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Bobby’s apartment 1960s – Copelands, Carol, Jean, Bobby Frew, BB
Grand Bahama Hotel April 1974
BB, Scottish guest fiddler Farquar McRae, Angus McKinnon on the CNE grounds after the bandshell show at Scottish World Festival 1960s
Bobby with Ann Hamilton (?) at a dance 1960s
Ottawa Elgin Hotel 7 am just fallen off the train! Date?
Scottish Fancy West coast tour early 1970s
Music for Dummies Award Washington hotel 1970s
Ceilidh Show in Halifax – Stan’s band with Christine
Bobby Frew, BB, Harvey Chapman (bass) Michael Noble, Jimmy Gibson (drums) dance in the 1960s – where is Stan?
Caravan in Scarborough 1970s
Flying Scotsmen Renfrew late 1960s
Rehearsal in 1960s – Alex Martin, Bobby Frew, BB Stan
Fred at piano playing the only tune he knows in A minor! 1973
Mary & Drew Stewart, John Andesron, BB, Jean Anderson, Jean Armstrong, Doreen and Joe Copeland – Granite Club
Oct 1961 Prudhommes Saturday ball of Hamilton weekend
Harvey Chapman (early bass player with Stan), Bob Waugh 1960s
Alistair Gillies, Graham Townsend, Bobby Brown Orangeville March 1976
Stan sits with Kathy at awarding of his scroll 2005
L to R: Jimmy Gibson, Harvey Chapman Stan, Bobby and side view of Bobby Frew taken in the old Granite Club in Toronto early 1960s.
Washington airport on way home from Washington Ball – Don Wood took picture – date 19??
Washington airport on way home from Washington Ball – Don Wood took picture – date 19??